The Bridge is a multi-ethnic church community, formed in partnership with London City Mission. Building on over 30 years of community outreach, prayer and sharing of the good news of Jesus, The Bridge is home to Christians meeting together regularly at various times during the week in and around the centre in Battersea. This means more opportunities for you to get involved and for us to serve our local community.
We’re also part of a network of new churches and outreach ministries called the Co-Mission Initiative, and we are members of the Evangelical Alliance.
Our values can be summed up under four headings:
The heart of the gospel message (or "good news") that God reveals in the Bible is about His son Jesus Christ. We long to know, love and serve Jesus better day by day. We're honest about the fact that we haven't got God or life sorted. But we cling to Jesus' promise that His death means that we can be loved by the King of the universe. Because of this, getting to know Jesus through the bible and worshipping him with our whole lives is central to life at the Bridge.
Multiethnic Community
Knowing Jesus enables us to build better relationships. We don't always get it right but He helps us to care for each other and our communities sacrificially, and welcome all kinds of people.
The message of salvation through Jesus Christ motivates us to attempt share the message of Jesus in the hope that people will accept him as Lord and saviour.
By transformation we mean following Jesus' example of putting love into practical action as the community around Him needed it.